Party Fortnight!

26/09/2008 17:45

Our new bar will be with us soon, handmade from solid oak by local craftsmen. Oh how excited we are. Becuase of our excitment we thought we would throw a series of fun nights together to celebrate. It's best to do it before we get our new carpet, after that no-one is allowed in! (I jest).

So, here are the plans. I can't wait!

October 26th


This is going to be one good night with great Italian cooking and live music. Treat yourself to an Italian meal and then dance the night away to the sounds of Sinatra et al.

October 29th

It's our Tea Time Treats. 

This was very popular last time we held it and this time you have a guest chef preparing the food. Various tea time and evening meals will be on offer! MIMO!!

October 31st 

All Hallows Eve

Twit Twoo, Moan Whooooooo, Arrrrgh! It's Halloween and we are having a themed meal. Not sure what yet? Perhaps some Ghoul - ash, maybe Spookghetti or perhaps just take a peek at our Spectres Board. BONUS!!! There will be free wine on your table if you turn up in fancy dress!! Whaaaaa! Grooaaann, whhoooo!

2nd November

Think and Sing 

Yaayyy! It's Karaoke and quiz night. You just can't beat it!


More to follow so keep coming back!